
About us

Cristina Vazio, restorer and technical director of CRISTINA VAZIO s.a.s., graduated in 1988 from the "Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione e il Restauro" of Rome (formerly "Istituto Centrale del Restauro") in the field of wall paintings, panel paintings, canvases and stone materials.
Since 1997, Cristina has been the owner of the eponymous company, based in Rome, Via Magalotti 8- 00197.

She works for the Ministry of Cultural Heritage in Italy as well as for international organizations both in Italy and abroad.
The team is made up of three restorers but cooperates in partnership with contractor conservators when commissions are particulary challenging.
She also collaborate with independent professionals who are specialized in various aspects of conservation that include: graphic and photographic documentation; scientific investigations providing detailed knowledge of artworks and their deterioration; construction efforts aimed at supporting the conservation of historical sites and buildings; environmental assessments and lighting of artworks; moving and packaging; any unique project to assist with an intervention of restoration.

Our team

Cristina Vazio
Conservator, technical and managing director of the company

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Laura Famiglietti

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Maddalena Costantino

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Our services

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