About us
Cristina Vazio, restorer and technical director of CRISTINA VAZIO s.a.s., graduated in 1988 from the "Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione e il Restauro" of Rome (formerly "Istituto Centrale del Restauro") in the field of wall paintings, panel paintings, canvases and stone materials.
Since 1997, Cristina has been the owner of the eponymous company, based in Rome, Via Magalotti 8- 00197.
She works for the Ministry of Cultural Heritage in Italy as well as for international organizations both in Italy and abroad.
The team is made up of three restorers but cooperates in partnership with contractor conservators when commissions are particulary challenging.
She also collaborate with independent professionals who are specialized in various aspects of conservation that include: graphic and photographic documentation; scientific investigations providing detailed knowledge of artworks and their deterioration; construction efforts aimed at supporting the conservation of historical sites and buildings; environmental assessments and lighting of artworks; moving and packaging; any unique project to assist with an intervention of restoration.
Our team
Cristina Vazio
Conservator, technical and managing director of the company.
Cristina was born in Rome. In 1988, after higher education in the scientific area, she graduated from "Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione e il Restauro" of Rome (formerly "Istituto Centrale del Restauro") in the field of wall paintings, panel paintings and canvases. In 1989, she attended a post-graduate course in the restoration of stone materials, stuccoes and mosaics at the same institution.
In 2005 she graduated in Artistic Hstorical Science from “La Sapienza” University in Rome.
Cristina went on to complete several refresher courses on the cleaning of artifacts and cognitive diagnosis techniques.
She has published papers in both Italian and foreign academic journals on her numerous projects (some of which are forthcoming) and has been invited to participate in a number of conservation-related conferences.
In addition to these accomplishments, Cristina has also conducted educational and teaching seminars for the "Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione e il Restauro" of Rome and for other Universities and Institutions.
After spending eight years working on her own and / or in association with other restorers, she founded CRISTINA VAZIO s.a.s. in 1997 who works with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage in Italy, in particular with the Archaeological Sprintendency of Rome, and with international organizations in Italy and abroad. These organizations include ARCE ( American Research Center in Egypt ), which implemented restoration projects of the paintings in the tomb of Seti I in the Valley of Kings and for the restoration work on paintings in the temple of Khonsu at Karnak in Luxor, and the WMF (World Monuments Fund, New York, USA), which funded a recent restoration project of the plaster, stucco and glazed tiles of the Great Mosque of Friday in the archaeological site of Qalhat, Sultanate of Oman.
She has also had the privilege to work with professors Laura and Paolo Mora on numerous conservation projects, including the restoration of wall paintings in the tomb of Nefertari in Luxor, Egypt, as well as for the French and U.S. Embassies in Rome and the Benetton Group s.p.a. in Veneto.
Laura Famiglietti
Laura was born in Rome in 1966. After her upper secondary education in classical studies, she graduated in 1997 from the "Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione e il Restauro" of Rome (formerly "Istituto Centrale del Restauro"), in the field of wall paintings, panel paintings, canvases and stone materials. In 1998, she attended a post-graduate course in the restoration of stone materials and mosaics at the same institution.
Over the course of her career, she has attended refresher courses on the consolidation of wall paintings and various conferences on the discipline, and published papers on her work in both Italian and in international academic journals.
She worked as independent conservator both in Italy and abroad for a number of years, often collaborating with other restoration and conservation companies, including Cristina Vazio s.a.s.
Since 2006 she has been working on a regular basis for Cristina Vazio s.a.s. Thanks to her vast experience and the in-depth knowledge that gained over the years, Laura has made crucial contributions to the interventions she has been involved in, particularly in the more challenging ones.
Maddalena Costantino
Maddalena was born in Boscoreale, Napoli, in 1963. After her upper secondary artistic education, she completed a course in restoration of paintings at the Regional Professional School “Artigianato Arte Restauro” in Rome from 1985 to 1987. She was awarded the status of conservator in accordance with Article 182 of Legislative Decree No. 42 of 22/01/2004.
She has spent a number of years working as a conservator for various restoration and conservation companies that specialize in restoration of paintings and stone materials. She has been involved in various restoration projects, including archaeological sites of high artistic and historic value.
Since 1999 she has been working on a regular basis for Cristina Vazio s.a.s. and has been involved in the restoration projects carried out by the company both in Italy and abroad. She has made important contributions, with her wealth of experience proving particularly useful in challenging interventions.